TEACHERS-virtual academy
Our trainers are graduates and native-speakers of the target languages (English, Italian, Spanish, French, German). They have a wealth of experience in language teaching for the corporate sector.
The minimum pre-requisites for working in our organization are theRoyal Society of Arts Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (or equivalent) with 2 years’ experience of training in the corporate sector. Induction into our company involves a month’s training coupled with team training with a senior Trainer.
All Trainers receive full support from the Director of Programming and undergo regular assessments. The results are then used for in-house training workshops and include sessions delivered by external language training experts.
Our Trainers will implement your company program in accordance with the personalized Training Plan of your employees, generated by a thorough, in-depth Needs Analysis during the initial testing phase.
At the start of the course, the Trainer will already know the participant’s strengths and weaknesses from a purely linguistic point of view and will also have a clear idea of the work-related language that needs to be studied, and for what purposes.